Solution-driven data analyst with an MS in data analytics and a certificate in financial technology. Extensive background in data collection, management, and privacy. Garnered buy-in and developed and presented recommendations to executives and other key stakeholders to guide critical technology, security, and service decisions. Supported ad hoc and cyclical reporting requirements. Possesses strong critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving skills. Skilled in translating business and end-user needs into systems solutions. Led, coached, and motivated up to 10 staff. Experienced in facilitating and driving cross-functional collaboration across varied organizational teams. Enthusiastic about deriving insights from data that enhance decision-making and drive growth.
Expertise: Database Systems, Data Cleaning, Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Modeling, Reporting, Machine Learning, End User Training, Contract Negotiation, Database Conversions/Implementations, Requirements Gathering, Team Leadership

Operating Systems: Windows, MacOS, Linux. Remote Access: Remote Desktop, VPN, SSH. Virtualization: Parallels, VMware, Docker. Languages: Python, SQL, R, Java, Solidity. Databases: Relational, NoSQL. Business Software & Applications: Microsoft Office Suite, Google Suite, Power BI, Tableau. Cloud Services: Dropbox, iCloud, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform. Campus Information Services: Oracle PeopleSoft, Datatel, CampusVue. Document Management System: Perceptive Content.Education
MyWealthPlan | Final group project that was submitted as a requirement of the Financial Technology certificate program. Mock-up of landing page for a fictitious investment services company. Includes: 1) a Holoviz Panel dashboard displaying performance data for a potential client’s selected investment portfolio based upon their financial risk tolerance score 2) Node.js based landing page representing the company homepage, including a blockchain-backed contact form 3) Streamlit application showcasing basic blockchain-based functions to transfer funds between the client and company. Used: Python, APIs, Monte Carlo simulations, data visualizations, machine learning, Solidity, Etherium Blockchain, Node.js Recidivism Analysis | Classification analysis to predict the likelihood of a paroled individual being returned to the prison system within 3 years. Used: R, data analysis, machine learning, data cleaning Bulldozer Analysis | This project aims to build a machine learning model that can predict the auction/sale price for a piece of heavy machinery based upon past sales data. Used: Python, machine learning, data analysis, data cleaningExperience
Registrar @ Saybrook University
January 2016 - July 2019
- Complying with FERPA regulations, federal and state laws, and accreditation standards, collected, recorded, maintained, and generated reporting about student records. Served as the school’s Certifying Official for Veterans Affairs benefits on behalf of a campus of approximately 800 students.
- Conducted an examination of academic policies and procedures, resulting in updates to Academic Standing, Leave of Absence, Incomplete Grade, and Grading Scale among other policies.
- Analyzed and produced recommendations based upon student enrollment and progression data to facilitate executive leadership, administrative lead, academic dean, program chair, and faculty decision-making.
- Collaborated with executive leadership to develop accurate yearly student enrollment projections, successfully meeting continuing enrollment projections.
- Provided data analytics to executive leadership in support of yearly tuition rate and fee structure review to minimize financial impact to students while sustaining institutional financial feasibility.
- Delivered leadership and expert advice as a member of the President's Cabinet, University Leadership Council, Academic Affairs Leadership Council, Student Retention Committee, Risk and Compliance Committee, and Shared Governance Task Force.
Registrar @ San Francisco Art Institute
December 2012 - January 2016
- Collected, recorded, maintained, and reported about student records for a campus of 700 students.
- Administered and conducted an annual review of academic policies and procedures, proposing and executing updates as warranted.
- Evaluated and made recommendations based upon student enrollment and progression data.
- Supported institutional retention efforts as a Retention Working Committee member.
- Serving on the Academic Appeal Committee, assessed and investigated academic issues brought by students, rendering a final decision consistent with official academic policies.
- Deployed Student Self-Service Registration and Degree Audit systems, producing documentation and in-person training sessions for students and academic advisors.
Acting Director of IT @ Academy of Art University
October 2009 - July 2012
- Managing IT operations for a campus of 1K+ FTE employees and 17K+ students, led a dispersed staff of 10.
- Drove IT implementation, maintenance, security, requirements gathering, and upgrades for campus and department applications.
- Coordinated internal procedural and/or infrastructure changes to achieve requirements in a timely and cost-effective manner. Partnered with vendors to pinpoint optimal solutions.
- Negotiated contract renewals for telephone services and PeopleSoft. Initiated a new service contract for a fully hosted, vendor supported MS Exchange Server.
- Directed the delivery of:
- remote desktop support; LAN and WAN configurations; server set up and maintenance; firewall and security software installation; backups; PC imaging; workstation assembly; VOIP; printer, desktop, laptop, and application troubleshooting; and
- researching and resolving network connectivity, Active Directory, and Exchange issues; and outages, malware, viruses, and ransomware.
Director of Student Records/Registrar@ Academy of Art University
July 2004-July 2012
- Collected, recorded, maintained, and reported about student record data in compliance with FERPA regulations, federal and state laws, and accreditation standards.
- Managed, educated, coached, and motivated four staff.
- Collaborated with executives, administrators, IT, and student advisors to elevate student services.
- Deployed and administered a Document Management System leveraging Perceptive Content. Set up users and routes and launched end user training.
- Extracting student information system data from PeopleSoft, provided recurring and ad hoc analysis and reporting.
- Furnished leadership and developed implementation recommendations for technology applications that enhanced Office of the Registrar services.
- Representing the Admissions and Registrar’s Office, executed multiple upgrades, conversions, migrations, and patching cycles as a cross-functional Integration Team member.
- Serving on the Grievance Committee, reviewed and investigated student disciplinary and academic issues, rendering a final decision consistent with school policies.
Admissions Database Manager@ Academy of Art University
February 1999-July 2004
- Delivered applications support and authored documentation and training materials, conducting end user training. Analyzed admissions-related data, supplying recurring and ad hoc reporting to all levels of management and executive management.
- Participated in a cross-functional team to upgrade the Datatel Student Information System to a new version. Later participated in a successful migration from Datatel to PeopleSoft.